Greetings Friends!
What’s New
In kicking off this edition of the exciting OMG Newsletter, we have a whole lot of news to share with you, as well as some great opportunities to tell you about. Let’s begin with the decision we made regarding the color of the front cover of the 2019 Grand Recital Magazine, which was put forth as a poll to our entire database – we asked what you thought of the cover bathed in either turquoise or pink, and the results came back as an even 50/50 split. We decided to please everyone and feature both colors on the cover of the magazine…and, as you can see for yourself, the final product was indeed a beautiful compromise.
Now that the intricacies of the Grand Recital Magazine’s cover are behind us (we would like to give a special shout out to Lorraine Dahlinger for its creation), it’s time to turn our attention towards content. In planning to make the 2019 edition of the magazine even better than in previous years, we are offering you the opportunity to participate in creating and submitting content for the publication. Do you feel you are an expert in a certain topic? Go ahead and submit a 500-word article and photo for a complimentary ‘advertorial’ consideration.
Please bear in mind that our primary audience contains mostly parents of elementary school age children, and as such we ask that you submit content that can be useful to and informative for them.
DEAR PARENTS: 2019 Grand Recital Date is
Saturday, June 1st, from 3 to 5:30 pm.
Attention Business Owners: Sponsors/Advertisers Wanted!

— Our newest Grand Recital Sponsors! — FULL SERVICE TRAVEL AGENCY – Mosaic Travel Design was created to represent the collection of destinations around the world. We assist with your travels to each continent and location, as you compile new pieces to your story and arrange them into a beautiful mosaic! (Click logo for website)
Let’s move on to another subject near and dear to our hearts here at OMG…one that offers an incredible marketing opportunity you can’t afford to miss.
As a Los Angeles-area business owner, have you been looking for a highly effective way to reach new potential clients but have been consistently let down by the lack of creative advertising solutions, absurdly high ad costs or other roadblocks? Here’s your chance to promote your business, product or service(s) to our entire audience…and that’s some network base!
It’s called the Oksana™ School of Music and Art, and we’re going to explain how it will change your perception of local advertising and networking. As owners and operators of this prestigious arts education academy, located in Beverly Hills and lorded over by renowned pianist and entrepreneur Oksana™ Kolesnikova, we host the annual Grand Recital at the regal Steinway Piano Gallery of Beverly Hills each spring, where all of our students come together to vividly showcase the cornucopia of talents they’ve garnered over the year.
This celebratory occasion is accompanied by a stunning “souvenir” Recital Magazine we produce (as seen in the beginning of this newsletter), featuring many of the performers in the Grand Recital with a dedication photo that appears alongside a roster of select advertisers and Recital Sponsors. As a prospective advertiser, here’s the part you’ll want to pay attention to: This magazine is seen by all our current, past and future clients, all of whom comprise many of Los Angeles’ most affluent families.
What’s more, the Grand Recital Magazine has become something of a precious keepsake for those parents who want to regularly look back on it over the years and view photos of their kids; to say this is an additional benefit for the advertisers and sponsors showcased in the magazine – featured right next to those photos – is something of an understatement.
So what’s our pitch, you are probably asking? Put simply, we’d like you to consider placing an ad for your business in this year’s issue of our Grand Recital Magazine…a move that will virtually guarantee exposure to the right kind of demographic, and one that will leave you happy about abandoning any previous unsuccessful advertising efforts.
We’re Not Done Yet…Check Out This Very Special Offer
“Sharing is Caring.”
You have undoubtedly heard that before. The OMG staff truly believes this sentiment, and in the spirit of Valentine’s season, we’re sharing with our newsletter recipients the opportunity to showcase and promote their products and/or services in our Grand Recital Magazine – at a substantially discounted sponsorship rate.
How does it work?
Provided you act BEFORE February 28, 2019, you will receive 25-percent off our regular sponsorship/advertising fees (offer applies only to FULL PAGE and HALF PAGE ads).
This is an incredible opportunity you cannot afford to miss out on for a powerful solitary reason: You’ll get the chance to win new customers by introducing yourself to our sophisticated, discerning audience. If this isn’t enough, consider that you will be able to:
• Reach our loyal audience of over 10,000 patrons, families and more
• Attract an affluent audience to your business
• Provide vital support for the Oksana School of Music Grand Recital events
• Run ads that will be featured in our Grand Recital Magazine for maximum exposure
Additionally, sponsors will:
• Benefit on a year-round basis via the online version of the Grand Recital Magazine
• Be listed with their linked logos on our two websites
• Be promoted to over 12,000 newsletter subscribers in email blasts preceding and following the Grand Recital
Ad Rates
Full Page – Back Cover $2,500 (Save $650!) = ONLY $1,850
Full Page – Inside Front Cover $2,000 (Save $500) = ONLY $1,500
Full Page – Inside Back Cover $2,000 (Save $500 = ONLY $1,500)
Full Page – Spread $2,500 (Save $650) = ONLY $1,850
Full Page – $1,500 (Save $375) = ONLY $1,125
1/2 page – $750 (Save $187.50) = ONLY $562.50
1/4 page – $350 N/A
1/8 page – $200 N/A
Artwork Submission
Ads must be submitted in a 300 DPI, print-ready PDF format (CMYK only, no RGB files) to
If you’re ready to be spotlighted in our visually stunning publication,
email us today!
Kind regards,
Your Team at OMG, Inc.